Shake don

How do you make your shake don?

I love to mix rice with any veggies or adding some topping.

When the weather is hot, you just struggle how to deal with the heat. It’s been up and down lately and I have to admit, I am having problem to deal with it. Especially my brain..I hardly can concentrate at work and I am a little fuzzy…how I miss the rain so much. When I was a kid, I love to sit on the balcony and watched the thunderstom and the lightning. It’s amazing and fascinating…and when it thundered…wow so loud! One of my school friend was scared and had to run back home. Am I this odd?!? I couldn’t understand it back then….we all are different and it’s good like that. Cause we all are unique in our way.

Just like there is no better shake don, some may taste better, some interesting, other less surprising..all are unique in there way. As long as it is make with love. Is the effort that counts.

my stars were: raw salmon, rice, carrots, kohlrabi and furikake

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