Matching the plate

On my holiday, I came across a japanese store where they sell tableware, cutlery and furnitures. I haven’t seen one for ages and I had to get in. It did feel so comfortable and some kind of peace in there. I looked at the tableware and was really happy cause it’s been a long time where I didn’t buy things that really made me smile.

I think it’s the moment where I could be in a store where I called my world and especially with my mum and jr. It’s the adventure with them, it’s the time we spent in there, having jr opinion’s which bowl or plate I should pick.

I had to cook something which match the plate. I guess overall I did it.

The weather was so hot and it’s hardly to bear. Fortunately this weekend was chilly.

Therefore I made a cold dish, colourful and simple.

My superstar this evening were: chicken tights, garlic, bulgur and egg

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