Two ways of salmons

Jr doesn’t really like cooked salmon that much and it depends on how I make them. You cannot cook them too long otherwise they will become hard and not very enjoyable to eat. That’s why I have to stop at the right time when it’s still smooth. Otherwise using a smoked salmon is also a good choice and easy too. This time I chose both.

Smoked salmon tartar is refreshing and the cooked one is good too. I had this picture in my mind and was trying to cook it and mostly to plate exactly the same as in my imagination. In the end I had to reconstruct my picture.

Maybe I was way too worried that I couldn’t make it.

The result was decent. At least I had given it a try…. maybe next time I should not think too much and just go for it.

Most of the time is us who is making our life difficult because we don’t believe in ourselves. At least of risking a try. Is it this hard to accept that we have failed? I know the feeling isn’t nice at all but honestly, it is ok. We will get over it…if we don’t try, how would we know it right?

My stars were: leftover rice, bread, kales, daikon pickles, smoked and cooked salmon

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