Since the weather has become cold. I have started to prepare more soup again. I am not a soup person but when it comes to cold then even I have to admit that soup is good for my body too. Especially Chinese nutritious soup.
I still had some oxtail in the freezer. Oxtail soup with the suitable veggies. This time I added an apple and fresh garlic too. Unfortunately Jr somehow didn’t like the taste which I thought it was so garlic-ish and sweet too (different type of sweetness). I personally really liked the soup but I was cooking the soup for the one I love and at that moment, it didn’t matter what I like. Therefore I added in some oxtail soup base bouillon to cover up the taste he didn’t like.
The original flavour just disappeared like that easily..
At least I could choose to plate the soup in the way I like. It’s refreshing and I had a lot of fun.
My stars were: oxtail soup. mixed rice, endives and tofu