This meal came through my mind this morning and I really wanted to cook it.
I am not a hummus person but I like chick pea though. Just cannot eat too much of it because of the flatulence.🙈
It took me a few hours to prepare this meal and I have to admit that I was more than satisfied. Especially for the semispherical shape. It worked so well this time and I couldn’t be me more than thankful.
A lot of cutting and chopping, it was so comfortable, it gave me some peace too. I think I can cut veggies for the whole day. Surely I could use a vegetable chopping machine to speed up everything. The preparation was a step where I want to enjoy and keep the pace slow. (propably said that many times)
Luckily all my superstars could be founded in the fridge. Is good to use what we have to create a meal. A meal should be simple and enjoyable which everyone could afford to eat. At the end what really counts is the presentation on the plate and if it’s tasty or not. How many could really afford to eat in an expensive and fancy restaurant anyway. When it comes to starving, you just eat what you can get.
I know my big brother would love to try this meal out. Unfortunately he lives too far away.
My meatless superstars were: chick pea, rice, spinach and egg yolk