When I don’t go out for lunch, I always make sure I have boiled egg in the office. It is so good and just this simple. It does have a lot of good stuffs in it, such like Vitamin A, B, D, E and K, Folate, Phosphorus, Calcium etc….
It is needed in almost every kitchen and in anyways it tastes so yummie…how can I leave it out in my menu…
Working with my star “egg”, I always try to explore in all kind of ways which come across my mind. People might think why this effort, just cook it like everyone does…Well don’t you think it will become boring as time goes by?
I don’t mind to do more as long as the result shows me it was worth for a try.
This morning I wanted to proof that breakfast could be like this too…why not right? Healthy, good and simple…
Do you like the breakfast I have made?
My super tiny stars were: egg, toast bread and hearbs butter