168 hours

I did it again, deliberately to renounce food for this long and only drank liquid. In the past, I would never thought I could make it. It was ok, I had to admit that I really need to concentrate and controlling myself that I didn’t go and grab something to eat. I feel a lot better, the feeling of my body was light and I kind of like it. Slowly adapting to food again. This time I wanted to make it right and so far it’s ok. Not over eating. People didn’t understand why I did that. It’s hard to make them understand your action and I realized that it wasn’t worth to even try to explain. So I remained silent…

Everything went as planned and was looking forward to this meal. Nothing exquisite or expensive…just this simple and a meal which made me feel comfortable and loved.

During the preparation, I was only thinking to make me feel comfortable. I am not used to that because I usually only cook for jr.

My friend and her son came to pay me a visit once and I got a chance to cook for him. The ramyun I made for him made him came and cuddled me. It was a very sweet action of him. Watching him eating the meal I made for him, really melting my heart and it also made me smile too. At least I know there is another boy who likes my cooking.

So when I slowly slurped down the noodles and carefully chewed the food. I felt so satisfied and comfortable. Little do I need, appreciating and being thankful for this ramyun.

Thank you jr’s mum for cooking this warm-hearted meal.

my loving stars were: ramyun, fried egg, lettuce, caramelized red onions and korean spam

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